
November 8, 2022

AI’s Impact on the Clinical Pathology Lab: DeciBio’s Q&A with Paige’s CEO Andy Moye

In the latest installment of their Q&A series, DeciBio spoke to Paige CEO, Andy Moye. Together they reviewed how large hospital systems and reference labs showing an increasing interest in digital pathology and AI adoption could change the future of care, why the ability to look at biomarkers from H&E-stained slides has the potential to be truly transformative, and how pathologists can work together with AI to go beyond what can be done by eye. “Our hope is to enable and empower pathologists, to give them the power of all this information at their fingertips, so they can make the best treatment decisions for patients,” he said. Read the full interview.

Read the full article on DeciBio


Gillette, K., & Wang, T. (2022, November 8). AI’s Impact on the Clinical Pathology Lab: DeciBio’s Q&A with Paige’s CEO Andy Moye. DeciBio.